Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 1: He's HERE!

Wow. Geordi is extraodinarily smart and cute. He's very mellow and tolerant! It's been almost 3 days and boy, have they gone by fast! He already obeys "Sit" (Victoria method!), and we're diligently working on paper training. All of the toys so far are a big hit; he especially loves his fleece tug toy and Nylabone (puppy version).

He whimpers a little when we crate him for the night, but during the daytime he loves everything.

I wish I were more coherent to post more wonderful things about Geordi, but it's been pretty sleepless making sure he goes potty throughout the night, so will post more soon! Enjoy the cute photos.

You can see more photos and some videos if you click right here.


  1. I dog loves the Nylabone puppy fish. It's her favorite. You should check it out for your new pup.

  2. We have the original puppy Nylabone and the mini bacon n' cheese puppy Nylabone chews. Will check out the puppy fish, though (haven't come across it before). Thanks!
